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We’re Official! Jerry is on the Ballot for this November Election!

Hello JeffCo,

We are official! The County Assembly was held today (3/19/2022) and I am the official candidate again for Jefferson County Treasurer. Nomination speech was given by Tracy Kraft-Tharp, and seconds for the nomination were made by Sandie Weathers and Amber Hott. Below are my comments at the Assembly, plus we ran a video.


“Good Morning JeffCo Dems,

And, thank you Tracy, Sandie and Amber for the nomination and seconds. I accept the nomination!

Look – In the 21st century, the public deserves and wants accessible and working elected officials (no more figureheads like the recent past!). I am that working elected official – every day! I am always working for Jefferson County, families, businesses, and YOU!

Also, my commitment to you is that if I am re-elected this November, I will NOT be running for another office mid-term. I am committed to the Treasurer’s Office and to JeffCo citizens for the entire four-year term. Scott, would you please run my video, and Thank You everyone!”

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