Jerry DiTullio

Treasurer/Public Trustee
Jefferson County, Colorado

Moving Forward Together!

Hello JeffCo,

In the private sector, businesses must protect their customer base. In the public sector, government must protect its taxpayer base. In both scenarios, the base is PEOPLE. As your Jefferson County Treasurer, I have always, and will always, protect and support our County tax base, YOU – the taxpayer.

As you know, I was elected Jefferson County Treasurer in the November 2018 election, and re-elected in the November 2022 election. Since taking office, my staff and I have been making great strides in improving several areas of the JeffCo Treasurer’s Office. Due to the 2020-22 pandemic, it has taken resiliency to assist JeffCo taxpayers and to keep our County and special districts funded to provide vital services. The virus has affected taxpayers physically, mentally, and financially. Many citizens have lost their jobs, their businesses and/or have been furloughed causing a financial strain on personal budgets. Thanks to House Bill 20-1421 and Senate Bill 21-279, which I supported and testified on, my department and I worked with taxpayers in 2020 and 2021 on waiving interest on late payments and accepting payment plans on property taxes for residential and commercial properties.

We made every effort to assist property owners in paying their property taxes in JeffCo. In 2020, my department distributed CARES Act Funds and other COVID grants to local businesses and non-profits based on the criteria from the federal government and the Jefferson County Commissioners. I will continue to support and work with taxpayers and our special districts in 2022 and beyond. We are all in this together. Let’s do our best to protect each other and each other’s mental and financial health in 2022 – shop local and live local.

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7 days ago

Jerry DiTullio - Treasurer/Public Trustee
Hello,Just want to let anyone on X (formerly Twitter) that I have deactivated my personal account (my only account) until after the election. The trash talk on X is ridiculous - including personal attacks and conspiracy theories when it comes to local and national politics. Was my life better on X? No... Good riddance for now. 💯 ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Jerry DiTullio - Treasurer/Public Trustee
Hello JeffCo,Attached is the Jefferson County Treasurer’s 2ND Quarter 2024 Investment Report along with previous fiscal quarters posted on the County Treasurer webpage.I have diversified the portfolio by investing in Municipal Bonds per the County Investment Policy.In an effort to improve fiscal transparency and to better engage with the public, the Jefferson County Treasurer's Office rolled these financial reports out in 2019. Citizens are able to access easy-to-understand county financials.Citizens can view the 2024 1st Quarter Investment Portfolio Report and other financial reports. These reports detail how taxpayer money is being invested, and interest earned, by the Treasurer’s Office. To view the investment reports, please visit the Financial Report page at you. ... See MoreSee Less
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JeffCo July Financials and Other Updates...💰✅ - ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

Jerry DiTullio - Treasurer/Public Trustee
JeffCo Treasurer's Budget - January 2024 - July 2024. Revenues are property tax distribution fees, and other fees, collected monthly by the Treasurer. Expenses are department salaries, benefits and other operating expenses (bank fees, postage, etc...). Unaudited.** As you can see, the Treasurer's Office is a strong revenue source for the County.👉 ... See MoreSee Less
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Success Stories

Fiscal Transparency

The new Treasurer’s Office financial reporting system, which includes the General Fund, Treasurer’s Budget and Quarterly Investment Portfolio, is now available on the JeffCo Treasurer’s webpage under “Financial Reports” and “Treasurer’s Notes”.


I have reduced the Treasurer’s Office expenses by $107,000 in 2020 and by $100,000 in 2021. Beginning in 2020, to save taxpayer dollars on mailings (and some trees), my office mails out one, not two, annual Property Tax Notices. We continually cross-train within the Treasurer/Public Trustee Department to enhance customer service for the

Customer Service

Our office is making every effort to have phone calls answered by a live person, and to return all voicemails by the end of the same business day. Our office hours have been adjusted to 7:30 am – 5:00 pm. We have also added a “Chat” function on the JeffCo Treasurer webpage.

Breaking Down Silos

The Treasurer’s Office is communicating with the public, the County Commissioners and other JeffCo departments more than ever before. Additionally, the Treasurer’s Office is supporting the Clerk & Recorder and the Sheriff’s Office with banking services and internal financial services, such as money orders for the County Clerk’s Office for passports. See Treasurers Notes or Financial Reports

Public Trustee Duties

I have assumed additional duties and staff as the Public Trustee pursuant to HB 19-1295. Commencing on July 1, 2020, the County Treasurer for each Class 2 county (Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Douglas, El Paso, Jefferson, Larimer, Mesa, Pueblo and Weld) became the Public Trustee for their county. For more information, please see the JeffCo Public Trustee webpage.

“I am proud to endorse Jerry DiTullio as our next Colorado State Treasurer. As the Jeffco Treasurer, Jerry is a proven public servant, and demonstrates financial transparency about where the money is and where it is going. He has made his office readily available to the public, and has expanded services as the Public Trustee. Colorado needs a Treasurer we can trust, that is why Jerry has my vote.”

Dr. Annette Cannon, Jefferson County Coroner
Rob Osborn

I support Jerry for State Treasurer because he leads by accountability, and helps drive positive results with everyone he works with. His experience as an elected official in city and county government has given him the depth of knowledge needed in managing complex budgets and balancing the needs of the office. Jerry rolls up his sleeves and works across the table in developing policies that create a win-win. Jerry has the perspective of business and residents, and will keep this as State Treasurer because he knows that every decision made impacts the community.

Rob Osborn, Douglas County Resident
Ray Goodhart

I have known Jerry since he was elected Jefferson County Treasurer and have found him to be transparent, through, and proactive. He works to support all taxpayers. Jerry’s background and experience make him the ideal candidate for Colorado State Treasurer. Please join me in supporting Jerry.

Ray Goodhart, Jefferson County Community Activist
Lindsey Daugherty

I have always been impressed with Jerry’s unwavering commitment to transparency, accessibility, and fiscal responsibility. He has served our community for over two decades and his knowledge and expertise are exactly what Colorado needs right now. He has also worked closely with JeffCo legislators to help bring forth legislation that saved taxpayers money during COVID. Please join me in supporting Jerry for State Treasurer!

Representative Lindsey Daugherty, Colorado House District 24
Travis Nelson

It’s my honor and pleasure to endorse my friend Jerry DiTullio for Colorado State Treasurer. The state Treasurer’s job is to advocate for economic justice, enhance our state’s economy, protect your tax dollars, and strengthen retirement benefits for our state employees and employees in the private sector through smart investing. Jerry DiTullio is perfect for these tasks with his background and current experience as the Jefferson County Treasurer.

Travis Nelson - Candidate for State Senate District 35
Sue Schafer

Jerry is a true and trusted public servant as the JeffCo Treasurer and as a former Wheat Ridge Mayor, City Council Member, and City Treasurer. Jerry has taken good care of our taxpayers’ money and will do the same as the Colorado State Treasurer. As an educator, I respect Jerry’s earning a B.S. in Computer Science at MSU Denver and an M.B.A. from Regis University.

Sue Schafer, Colorado State Representative 2009-2015
Sheila Lieder

I am pleased to endorse Jerry DiTullio for Colorado State Treasurer. Jerry understands the need for high quality and high paying jobs to keep the Colorado economy moving forward. The State Treasurer’s job is to enhance our state’s economy, invest tax dollars wisely, and continue to strengthen retirement benefits for our state employees and employees in the private sector.

Representative Sheila Lieder, Colorado House District 28
Cindy Toth

Jerry DiTullio is the most trustworthy, honest, hard working, and caring elected officials in Jefferson County. He has kept the treasurer’s budget balanced and transparent since he’s taken office. He’ll be a major asset to all of Colorado as State Treasurer.

Cindy Toth, Jefferson County Resident
Amber Hott

I am excited to endorse Jerry DiTullio for State Treasurer! He has done a fabulous job as JeffCo Treasurer. Jerry does a great job running the office, keeping us informed, and is accessible. I’m confident he will bring the same outstanding attitude and work ethic from the county to the state!

Amber Hott, Westminster City Council
Korey Stites

I am excited to support Jerry DiTullio for State Treasurer, not only as a member of Wheat Ridge City Council, but as a small business owner. He has worked with taxpayers to achieve win-win solutions, especially during the pandemic. For over 20 years Jerry has been someone who shows up for his constituents, no matter what office he has had. He is an example for all elected officials to follow.

Korey Stites, Wheat Ridge City Council/Small Business Owner
Claire Carmelia

I have worked with Jerry both in the community and in the government space. He has proven himself time and again to be am effective Leader. Jerry is someone who listens, collaborates, and understands how to brig about effective solutions that work for all. He is reliable, hardworking, and centers the needs of the community in his work. I believe Jerry will do an excellent job as Treasurer for the State as he has for our County, and I am proud to endorse him.

Claire Carmelia, Westminster City Council
Brenda Bronson

Jerry worked to help Jeffco taxpayers during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021. Leading the effort with the state legislative, he helped taxpayers with their property tax payments by waving interest on late payments and working out individual payment plans.

Brenda Bronson, Jefferson County Resident
Obi Ezeadi

I’m proud to endorse Jerry for Colorado State Treasurer. He has led the way and set the example for how elected officials can effectively outreach the community. As JeffCo Treasurer, he has enhanced the public’s understanding of the treasurer’s important role in dealing with taxpayer money. I look forward to the same transparency as State Treasurer.

Obi Ezeadi, Westminster City Council Member
Janeece Hoppe

Since Jerry DiTullio was elected, he has worked tirelessly to bring transparency and accessibility to the JeffCo Treasurer’s office. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he worked with State officials to bring relief to Jefferson County taxpayers by bringing forward a program that allowed maximum flexibility with property tax payments. Because of Jerry’s commitment to transparency, accessibility, and stewardship of the citizens’ tax dollars, I am honored to endorse him for the State Treasurer.

Janeece Hoppe, Wheat Ridge City Council / Small Business Owner
Jenny Snell

As JeffCo Treasurer, Jerry DiTullio has raised the bar of county leadership. He runs a transparent and informative department and will continue to do the same as State Treasurer. Join me in voting for Jerry DiTullio for State Treasurer.

Jenny Snell, Wheat Ridge City Council / Small Business Owner
Ike McCorkle

As an elected official, Jerry DiTullio has worked for win-win public policy at the local level, county level, and state level. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, he worked with JeffCo elected officials in the state legislature to ensure Colorado taxpayers had the relief they needed. Jerry has a tenure of public service that has demonstrated his selfless commitment to transparency and the people of Colorado. I am honored to support him and I urge you to support Jerry for Colorado State Treasurer.

Ike McCorkle, U.S. Congress District 4 Candidate
Christopher Arlen

Jerry DiTullio has an evident heart for people. He has demonstrated this through a lifelong commitment to public service. Each time Jerry has stood for election, the people have stood with him; and he has made them proud. He is informative, communicative, transparent, and even humble. I have every confidence that Jerry will be an exceptional treasurer for the people of Colorado. Jerry has earned my support.

Christopher Arlen, Small Business Owner, Lakewood, CO
Dick Matthews

I wholeheartedly support Jerry for Colorado State Treasurer. I have been impressed with his ability to bring efficiency to the JeffCo Treasurer’s Office. Jerry and his staff have managed and invested taxpayer funds to maximize interest earned while following the county’s investment policy. The state will benefit from Jerry’s hands-on and proactive work ethic.

Dick Matthews, CPA, Wheat Ridge Resident & Small Business Owner
Laura Carroll

Jerry DiTullio puts Coloradans first. As JeffCo Treasurer, he opened up access to JeffCo’s books in a new era of transparency and trust. When Colorado saw assessed values soar after unprecedented market growth, Jerry went to bat for all of us, asking for property tax relief to keep us in our homes. The citizens of Colorado, east and west slopes, urban and rural, will be lucky to have him at our state Capitol, maintaining and growing our financial resources, keeping our economy strong for today and for generations to come. I am proud to endorse Jerry for State Treasurer.

Laura Carroll, Community Leader, Paonia, CO
Monica Duran

I have worked with Jerry DiTullio on various local and state projects. Jerry has always put people over politics for win-win solutions. As JeffCo Treasurer, he opened up a new era of financial transparency. When COVID hit in 2020, he worked closely with Jeff Co legislators to help bring forth legislation that saved taxpayers money by waving interest on late property tax payments. The citizens of Colorado will be lucky to have Jerry at our state Capitol, maintaining and growing our financial resources and supporting us – the taxpayer. I am proud to endorse Jerry for State Treasurer.

Monica Duran, Colorado House Majority Leader
Roger Low

Jerry has been a fantastic, thoughtful, hard-working and effective treasurer for Jefferson County. It’s been a pleasure to get to work with him, and I can’t wait to see all the good innovations he will bring to this job at the state level.

Roger Low, Lakewood City Council, Ward 3
Kim Calomino

I am pleased to endorse Jerry for Colorado State Treasurer. Jerry has greatly improved the efficiency and transparency of the JeffCo Treasurer’s office, helped citizens better understand the work of the county treasurer and maintained good stewardship of county funds. It is kind of public service that will enhance trust in our state government, which is critical to a well-functioning democracy.

Kim Calomino, Community Activist
The Thompson Family

Jerry has done a fantastic job as our Jefferson County Treasurer and will do the same as Colorado State Treasurer. Jerry services the taxpayers, he doesn’t expect the taxpayers to serve him. Let’s keep the momentum going and elect Jerry for State Treasurer.

The Thompson Family, Adams, Jefferson, and Montrose County Residents
Amanda Weaver

As JeffCo Treasurer, Jerry DiTullio has raised the bar of county leadership. He runs a transparent and informative department – personally reporting out to cities in the county. He will continue this leadership at the state level. I endorse Jerry DiTullio and support his run for Colorado State Treasurer.

Amanda Weaver, Five Fridges Farm / Wheat Ridge City Council
Chris Miller

Jerry is a true statesman, dedicated to serving his community and representing their needs with passion and conviction. He truly embodies the principles of civic engagement, understanding that a strong community requires active participation from its members. His commitment to transparency and accountability has earned him the trust and respect of his peers and constituents alike. I can think of no one better suited to represent not just Wheat Ridge and JeffCo, but all of Colorado as State Treasurer.

Chris Miller, Wheat Ridge CIty Treasurer
Lauren Simpson

The role of the Colorado State Treasurer is as much about fiscal and administrative expertise as it is policy platform, and that is why I am excited to endorse Jerry DiTullio for the job. As both a former Mayor and current Jefferson County Treasurer, Jerry not only understands the duties required but has executed such responsibilities admirably for the residents of JeffCo. His integrity, dedication to public service ans collaborative, bipartisan spirit make him the right choice to be our next State Treasurer.

Lauren Simpson, Mayor of Arvada, Colorado
Isabel Cruz

Jerry is an experienced and knowledgeable leader dedicated to serving others, maintaining transparency, and being fiscally responsible with taxpayer dollars. His public outreach efforts ensure that accurate information is readily accessible. He consistently advocates for effective fiscal policies that are in the people’s best interest. I support Jerry for Colorado State Treasurer.

Isabel Cruz, Lakewood City Council, Ward 2
Sharon Davis

I am pleased to endorse Jerry DiTullio for Colorado State Treasurer. As Jefferson County Treasurer, Jerry has performed as an outstanding fiduciary for the county’s taxpayers. His office has been transparent in operations and uses all avenues of communication to disseminate information. As a lifelong Coloradan, Jerry is dedicated to assuring all Colorado taxpayers are given the highest level of service. Jerry will take his experience and dedication to the state level to manage our assents responsibly. Join me in supporting Jerry for Colorado State Treasurer.

Sharon Davis, Arvada City Council Member, At-Large
Cheri Jahn

JeffCo Treasurer Jerry DiTullio is accessible and engaged. He works diligently to keep the community informed, and listens to the needs of the taxpayers and stakeholders through proactive outreach. As State Treasurer, Jerry will bring the same energy, transparency and commitment to Colorado taxpayers. I encourage you to vote for Jerry for State Treasurer.

Cheri Jahn, Local Business Owner & Former State Senator

Family Room, Classroom and the Board Room

Human Connection & GRIT As you may know, I am not currently teaching since I’m your JeffCo Treasurer, but I am required to renew my teaching license now (Special Education, English, Social Studies, Elementary Education and Career Tech). I have enrolled in online classes at Idaho State University for my

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Vision, Leadership, Experience and Proven Ability to Get Things Done!

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor
the most intelligent, but the most responsive to change (including government and politics).” – Charles Darwin