Blog Posts

Pedestrian Lights Get the Go Ahead for Holidays/Special Events!!


Most of the pedestrian lights in Wheat Ridge (except for the ones on 38th Ave. from Sheridan Blvd. to Harlan St.) are owned by Xcel.  A few years back Xcel decided that flags, banners, lights, etc…could not be hung on the Xcel pedestrian lights.  That has been a real thorn in my side and others since the pedestrian lights are in the public right-of-way and should be used for holidays and special events (flags, banners, lights, etc…).

Monday night (4/23/2015), City Council will be voting on a joint agreement which will allow flags, banners, lights to be hung on the Xcel pedestrian lights.  Please see item #3 of the City Council.  I will be supporting this agreement and making the Motion for approval.  It’s good public policy and a win-win!!

For more info, Please see link (Item #3) —> http:/





