Down at the state Capitol today for the signing of HB19-1295. This Bill moves the previously appointed Public Trustee for the 10 biggest Colorado counties (by population) by the Governor into the jurisdiction of the elected County Treasurer. This change promotes more accountability to the taxpayers, promotes local control at the County level rather than the state and eliminates the duplication of efforts by staff. The Bill promotes cross-training of staff and will save taxpayers money in the long term. Thanks to Governor Polis for supporting this efficient change. And to the House sponsors KC Becker (Speaker of the House) and Janice Rich (HD 55). Senate sponsors were Tammy Story (not pictured) and Ray Scott (not pictured).
The Bill takes effect 7/1/2020, but we are moving forward now with a thoughtful and efficient transition at Jefferson County. Turnkey by 7/1/2020!! 😉