CORA = Colorado Open Records Act
Disclaimer: I have received permission from Wheat Ridge resident and Urban Renewal Board Member Jesse Hill to publish the email and letter he emailed me on 1/20/2015 with regards to the 38th & Wadsworth development project.
In my opinion, when any developer is asking for $7.8 million in Tax Increment Financing (TIF), the public, the City Council and the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) Board Members have a right to know all of the details and financial information to make an informed decision. If needed, some of the information could have been redacted and Jesse and the URA Board could have received a redacted copy of the inital TIF application.
Ironically, at the 2/9/2015 City Council meeting the developer asked during my line of questions if I had seen the project financials. I had to tell the developer “no” since City staff has denied access to the financial information.
Just because City staff can “legally” deny the request doesn’t mean they should.
You be the judge…
See CORA Denial Letter —> URA CORA Denial
From: Jesse Hill
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 10:30 AM
I am interested in you opinion on Wheat Ridge City Staff rejecting a CORA request made on the 38th Wads property for the TIF application by the developer.
I originally requested it at the last URA meeting and it was agreed to by staff & council to make it available to the public.It is a surprise at the new direction to exclude the public (and URA Board).
When you asked me to sit on the URA board, one of your requests was that we keep the Board open and transparent and to respect private property rights. I feel this request for a officially submitted document is consistent with the due diligence of a board member.
If you have a moment, I’d enjoy a chat with you on you opinions of the TIF process and community involvement/transparency, not necessary the specifics of the development or developer. I appreciate the time you have already spent facilitating meetings with community members on that front.
Jesse Hill