Blog Posts

Citizen Initiated Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reform Ballot Question Added to November Ballot

Keep WR Local Petition Signing Party - May 27th
Keep WR Local Petition Signing Party – May 27th

Update 7/19/2015: At least the Steamboat Springs’ City Council listened to their constituents. And Wheat Ridge gets a 1980s style development – A big box mall next to new multi-family housing for $6.2 million in taxpayer subsidy. What a joke. I know, it’s the best Wheat Ridge can do.

Read –> Denver Post – 7/19/2015


Update 7/15/2015: TIF Reform is catching around the state and in Jeffco. Don’t be fooled by the scare tactics coming from the opposition of TIF Reform.

One scare tactic is that “No one will develop in Wheat Ridge anymore” or “Wheat Ridge is not open for business if this passes”. Does the opposition have a crystal ball? Does every developer need a TIF to build? Do the taxpayers need to remove all risk for every 1980s style development/TIF that comes along?

For example, did Natural Grocers or Clancy’s or Right Coast Pizza need a TIF? The opposition to TIF Reform brought this on themselves. A majority of City Council and City staff had a choice – they could have said NO to the proposed 1980s style development/TIF at 38th & Wadsworth Blvd.

Development will still come to Wheat Ridge – but it will be quality development if TIF Reform passes. The voters will have a say if the TIF amount is greater than $2.5 million.  We can do better.  Spread the word!

Read the most recent scare tactics —> Denver Post – 7/15/2015

Read —> Denver Business Journal – 7/15/2015



At the 7/13/2015 City Council meeting, the citizen initiated Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reform ballot question was added to the November/2015 election by City Council.

City Council received the following email from the City Attorney on 7/13/2015:

Mayor and Council,

 As you know, the City Clerk has certified as sufficient the petition proposing a Charter amendment. Under the relevant statute, the Council is required to set a ballot title and submission clause (the actual ballot question) for the same “at its next meeting” after the certification takes place. That would be tonight’s meeting. In addition, while not required this evening, the Home Rule Charter requires the Council to adopt a “notice and call” of election.  

These actions are taken by resolution. Because all of them need to take place, we have placed them in the standard form of resolution I have used for charter amendments for many years. A copy of the proposed resolution is attached. I will ask that consideration of the Resolution be added to the agenda under Action Items.

I will be able to describe the process more fully and answer any questions you may have during the meeting tonight.

Thank you.

To view the Ballot Title and Submission Clause click here —> Ballot Title & Submission Clause. As you can see, the ballot question will be a “YES” or “NO” question. The Ballot Title and the Submission Clause will be on the actual voter ballot.

