Approximately $1.2 million in Community Development Block Grant (CBDG) funding is being put to good use throughout the City. Based on City Council direction in late 2010, the City’s allocation of federal CDBG funds, funds which are distributed by Jefferson County, have been distributed to the following programs and local initiatives:
- $900,000 – in funding to the Wheat Ridge Housing Authority to purchase and rehabilitate homes for homeownership.
- $60,000 – in funding to the Seniors’ Resource Center (SRC) to support two more years of the senior circulator bus service, providing seniors with a reliable transportation source for everyday errands and other transportation needs.
- $199,151 – in funding is supporting the repair and replacement of playground equipment at several parks in the City including: Anderson Park, Richards Hart Estate, Panorama and Fruitdale Park.
I am very excited about how Council has put the CDBG dollars at work in our community. These are very important programs and play an important role in advancing our revitalization efforts. Councilmember DeMott and I worked with the Jefferson County Housing Authority to find properties in Wheat Ridge that were in need of rehabilitation. I am pleased that the partnership with the Jefferson County Housing Authority continues to be productive and is helping to improve the quality housing in our community.”
The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority purchased single family homes from the Jefferson County Housing Authority that were being used as rentals. The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority will rehabilitate the homes and resell them as affordable housing for first time home buyers. On Friday, February 18th, the Housing Authority purchased seven homes that will be rehabilitated in the coming year.
The Wheat Ridge Housing Authority was started by when I was on City Council. It was an effort to provide affordable housing to the community and to encourage homeownership among first time buyers. District IV Councilmember and Wheat Ridge Housing Authority member Joseph DeMott explained, “The City received money for playground equipment, funding for the seniors bus services, and purchased seven affordable homes for potential new residents. I’d say the City benefited in this deal!”
The City has funded the SRC Senior Circulator bus since 2009. The bus service picks up seniors at three Wheat Ridge locations to take them to local shopping centers. There is also a limited door-to-door service for seniors within a few blocks of the bus service’s fixed route.
The CDBG funds allowed the Parks Department to replace old and outdated playground equipment in City parks. The new equipment features the latest designs and amenities for playgrounds and meets the current public playground safety requirements.