Blog Posts

Update: August/2021 – FDA Fully Approves COVID Vaccine, Public Trustee Wins Economic Responsibility Award, Waiving of Late Payment Property Tax Interest and More…


Hello Jeffco,

As you know, property taxes fund critical services from Special Districts such as schools, fire departments, public works, water, sewer, city services, public safety, etc. For every dollar of property tax collected, 24 cents goes to Jefferson County government for services and projects. The other 76 cents funds all of the services and projects of Jeffco Special Districts.

Good News!!

Thanks to the excellent work of our Jeffco taxpayers, my Treasurer staff, SB21-279 (Waiving Late Interest), Senator Tammy Story AND our County Commissioners working with the Jeffco Treasurer’s Office, Jefferson County has moved from approx. a 10% deficit on property tax collections/distributions in June/2021 to approx. a 1% increase from July/2020. The attached memo is conveying property tax collections and distributions through July/2021 (distributed on 8/10/2021).


August/2021 Update

Real Treasurer Experience Matters!

Signing of SB21-279 by the Governor at the JeffCo Admin Building. This bill allowed county treasurers to waive late interest and take multiple payments on property taxes during COVID. JeffCo Treasurer DiTullio worked with Senator Tammy Story on the bill language and advocated for the bill through the 2021 legislative session.