Blog Posts

Family Room, Classroom and the Board Room

Human Connection & GRIT

As you may know, I am not currently teaching since I’m your JeffCo Treasurer, but I am required to renew my teaching license now (Special Education, English, Social Studies, Elementary Education and Career Tech). I have enrolled in online classes at Idaho State University for my professional development, and I need six (6) credit hours.  My classes are going well, and I do miss the students and parents! I was a teacher at Wheat Ridge High School in JeffCo.

The TED Talks below has been my model for family, teaching, and politics.

Building professional relationships within the family room, the classroom and/or the board room is key for creating win-win policy and win-win solutions. If more people built relationships in politics there would be less win-lose, divisiveness, conspiracy theories and the “keyboard” warriors attacking someone on social media they have never met.

I try to model these videos every day, but it can be challenging! As Michelle Obama says, “When they go low, we go high”. BTW, my campaign for State Treasurer does have GRIT!

I recommend watching these short videos – They are awesome! đŸ’¯

Human Connection: